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Two lean, ripped fighters entered the ring hell bent on destroying each other.
Flash goes to work on the spine of Aquire to disable him early in the fight.
Aquire is suffering, his face shows it all, this fight might end quickly.
Aquire's arm is near the breaking point as Flash chicken wings it high up on his back.
With Aquire's shoulder damaged, Flash applies a full nelson leg scissor combo to further weaken him.
Flash drives an elbow down into the exposed, unprotected abs of Aquire.
Aquire suffers as Flash works the leg and knee. He has yet to mount any offense of his own.
Out of no where Aquire gains control, and ties Flash's arm up and behind the back of his head.
Flash recovers and applies a tight sleeper choke and Aquire fights to remain conscious.
Aquire manages to get to his feet and Flash is in a bad position.
Flash suffers as Aquire works on his leg.
Flash is dazed and damaged as Aquire plans on how to next hurt the NRW legend.
Aquire hammers away at Flash in an attempt to put him out.
The mighty Flash is done, he has been beaten unconscious by a match he once controlled.
Even our best fighters could lose and on this day, Aquire was the better man leaving our ripped fan favorite out cold.
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